Our Past and Our Future
Ascension Lutheran Church was founded in 1958. The present Sanctuary was built in 1983 and is the only church in Boynton Beach that is architecturally structured and designed in the round. This “centralized” shape harkens to the earliest days of Christian church design.

The uniquely designed worship space reflects the colors of God’s creation, especially those from the sea. Pews in pasture-green upholstery fan out, as beams of knotty, natural wood echo the spatial sensation above.

Center stage is the altar – a massive block of unadulterated coral retrieved from the ocean depths. Known as “coquille” in South Florida, the material of the altar evidences a myriad of nooks and crannies, it bore in its marine setting. Note: this noble slab was not harvested from a living reef.
Kneeler around the altar are handmade cushions made by our parishioners. Click on the picture to enlarge image.
The Baptismal Font, with its driftwood design and natural shell, continues the baptism theme of refreshing, life-giving waters through Jesus Christ. The font is surmounted with a South Sea giant clam shell as a receptacle.

Some of the above text is paraphrased from the Fall 2006 issue of Art & Culture magazine, page 58-61, which featured Ascension Lutheran Church.
Stained Glass Windows by Conrad Pickel
Stained glass artist, Conrad Pickel, lived in Boynton Beach from 1974 to 1994. He is also an artist, sculptor, painter and designer.
To learn more about Conrad Pickel Click Here

The Advent Window – depicts the Coming of Christ as Messiah, Savior. Advent begins the Church Year’s first 4 Sundays before Christmas, with the Old Testament prophecies that Christ is Coming! The 4 candles (4 Sundays) symbolize Christ as Light of the World. The open Bible is God’s Words as Christ comes Incarnate (flesh) and is God’s Light for all the people.
The Christ the King Window – The superimposed Cross of white links heaven and earth. A gold or yellow Crown is Christ’s position as King of Kings while the Scepter (brown) as ruling symbol. Another cross of yellow surrounds the red circle, denotes His giving and shedding Blood for all. The colors of the rainbow are shown also, depicting God’s Eternal Promise that He loves and saves in His new Covenant in Jesus Christ and in fulfilling the Old Covenant.
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism Window – the first of the two Sacraments of Lutheranism is depicted with a cross of red (Christ) within the font (violet) and the Holy Spirit (white dove) coming down in God’s Gift from Heaven. Three drops of water (light green) remind us that we baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit (Matthew 28:19-20) God’s Greatest Commission (command) is that we teach, preach, and baptize in His Name. A vertical light (white) comes from Heaven. God intervenes with love and power in His Gift to people on earth. His water symbolizes Christ’s eternal and internal cleansing.
The Christmas Window – depicts the Birth of our Savior for the world’s people. The Manger or Cradle of red (blood) is draped in white (color for purity). The yellow halo rays of the sun shows Christ as Divine Light. The Shepherd’s crook notes Christ as the Good Shepherd of all, while the green and yellow denote pasture (world) with one sheep “out in the field, as the Shepherd keeps watch over His flock by night.” The Star of the East guides the Wise Men to the Manger.
Celebrating 65 years of God’s Grace
Timeline of Ascension Lutheran Church



1961-1963 First Service in New Church Building December 17, 1961
